Jan 31, 2014



January's pretty much over and my last post was December 6th? 

So much for that whole "practicing my dream" and "consistency" thing. Still trying to figure it all out, folks, but I'm learning that I don't always need to be in a hurry to reach perfection. Sometimes I do. But not always.

On that note, I spent a good portion of these last two months taking time to deeply reflect on 2013; what hurt, what was life-giving, what I learned- and what kind of person I am going to be in 2014 because of it.

 To bare my soul just a little bit, part of my waning commitment to this blog was a result of a very unexpected and deep-rooted month-long funk that I can only attribute to my inner self truly desiring to slam the door shut on 2013 and start fresh. 

However, along with that darker time came a new determination to grow even more in this new year- not to be cliche, but to make 2014 the best year I've had yet. Not just because "good things" happen while it's here (though I believe good things will happen), but because I am and will be different. Healthier, happier- better. 

One thing that's new for me this year is intentionally choosing a word to describe what I see and want for this year. I've somewhat subconsciously done this in retrospect before, but not proactively, in a vision-casting sort of way. 

But this year, I intend to thrive.

Thrive by filling my time and mind with input that gives life, not that merely passes the hours. Thrive by taking the time to both notice and create beauty in my world. Thrive by learning to have less, but enjoy it more. Thrive by being my best self and pointing out the best in others.

Sometimes thriving will mean saying "yes." Sometimes thriving will mean saying "no." Sometimes thriving will mean "get off your lazy butt and go DO something." Sometimes thriving will mean doing nothing. It will almost always mean intentionality and choosing to thrive when that's not my knee-jerk reaction.

In a later post, I'll detail some of my more specific goals for this year that have arisen out of my time of reflection, but for now I'll leave you with an encouragement to not just survive 2014, but to thrive in it- whatever that means for you.

Do you have a word for 2014?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You have made me decide to focus on finding MY 2014 word. I love you and miss you and Tim very much.
    Love, Aunt Deana
