Aug 28, 2017


I did some things in my 29th year. 

Hard things. Fun things. Necessary things. Some technically unnecessary, but soul-keeping things. 

When I turned 29, I set 5 goals to accomplish before the next birthday rolled around:

 1. Run another half marathon.
2. Eliminate one debt completely.
3. Ruthlessly weed out the excess in my closet.
4. Take a vacation to a place with real mountains.
5. Have family photos taken.

 I set these goals intentionally so that when August 28, 2017 came, it would truly be a celebration and not pity-party time for my fleeting youth. I accomplished all but one, and I'm still coming for that half marathon before too many more years pass.

And, you know what...I'm okay with that. In the past, I would have been a stickler and felt like a failure if I didn't cross every last item off that list.

But this has been a year of both giving my all and living in grace.

And I did some cool things that weren't on the list.

I traveled to Africa/outside of the western hemisphere for the first time!

I helped plan and execute events attended by 700-800 people.

I got a tattoo. Because I wanted to. Yes, I know how it will look when I'm old and wrinkled. And no, I don't care.

I took proactive measures to listen to my instincts and my body and to seek medical help when it seemed things weren't working the way they should. And then took the measures recommended to correct the problem, even though it's new, and scary, and "what if it doesn't help?"

I'm really proud of myself, and thankful to have arrived at my 30th year with that in my back pocket.

I have no idea what to expect between now and the time I turn 31. But I'm thankful to be entering the next year optimistic, hopeful, and expectant for even more growth and grace.

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