1. Cool weather
2. Quiet beach
3. Clean kitchen
4. All 5 senses!
5. Pictures of cute kids
6. Seeing my husband happy/successful/encouraged
7. Mentorship
8. Good, free food
9. Remembering the words to a favorite old song
10. Quiet hours in the morning
11. Puppy time!
12. People-watching
13. Having my mind blown by ingenuity/creativity (a.k.a. Snap Boogie!)
14. Cyndi's positivity
15. Washing away the day's sweat
16. Remembering the feeling of playing guitar
17. Getting good tips while doing someone a favor
18. People pitching in for Katie's shower
19. Feeling good about turning in my resume
20. Wearing a headband and earrings
21. Being offered a promotion
22. My big sister going to bat for me
23. Tiny bird
24. Future of Forestry on the plane ride home
25. Words.
26. The faint smell of a real Christmas tree when I walk into my house.
27. The way children stutter when they're so excited and focused on what they're saying
that they just can't get it out.
28. Being in wonder of the first snow, not sick of it yet.
29. Feeling a little bit like my old self again- the one I liked.
30. Paper still warm from the copier.
31. Child in public in dinosaur costume for no apparent reason.
32. "Far as the curse is found."
33. Both of my boys asleep on the couch (meaning, of course, the puppy and the husband).
34. Lights on the water.
35. Spending time with people who want to spend time with me.
36. Realizing that the moment I'm living is one I used to say, "Wouldn't it be cool if someday..." about. Someday is now!
37. Listening to Nathan talk for a long time about med school and just absorbing how much he loves what he's doing and who he's with. It's amazing how energizing it is to just soak in how awesome someone is without comparing them to myself or anyone else. Awesome people are so invigorating, and I miss having the opportunity to be live in such close proximity to them like I did in college.
38. Being honest without filtering myself, finally. And genuinely feeling like I'm finally able to have a healthy relationship with someone I wasn't sure if that would ever be possible with. Healthy both in our interactions with each other, but also within myself. Reconciliation is also invigorating.
39. Unexpected "have you lost weight?" comments.
40. Eating less at someone else's wedding than I did on my own wedding day because of how many old friends came up to talk with me. I felt like as soon as one conversation ended (sometimes even before), another one started, and I loved it.
41. Getting to tell people about the Cafe' and them actually understanding and expressing how cool it is.
42. Seeing a long-term heart desire of a friend fulfilled by a true gentleman with a very sweet family.
43. I don't admit this very often, but hearing the soft sweetness of an east Texas accent is very comforting to me. As is watching the rodeo trail riders with my niece and nephew, like I did when I was a kid. Honestly wasn't expecting that to make me as happy as it did.
44. Tiny hands to hold, and tiny arms hugging me.
45. Realizing that you still like your old friends as much as you used to, and the feeling seems to be mutual, even though you haven't spent time with them in years.
46. Sitting around a table full of barbecue (REAL barbecue that doesn't need sauce because it actually has flavor) made by my dad, surrounded by my family for a few hours of drama-free getting along.
47. Not even being able to think of everything that is making me happy about my trip to Texas in February of 2012, and even being able to gloss over the not as happy parts in my mind, because it was that good for the most part.
48. Spring pushing victoriously through the dead remnants of winter.
49. Double tall iced soy latte.
50. Good meetings.
51. The first day of employee training being way more awesome and humbling than I was expecting.
52. The dog. Playing with a rock. A rock!
53. SIZE 6 JEANS!!!!
54. Sitting in the sun with Iron & Wine
55. Friends who care enough to confront.
56. Making our home feel more like our own, not another's.
57. Driving on a sunny day with good music.
58. Impressing crotchety businessmen.
59. Prayers answered visibly.
60. Doing only one thing at a time.
61. Rain, watching and hearing.
62. Realizing this list is about thanking, not about counting.
63. The hint, whisper of fall on its way
64. First snowballed payment toward debt!
65. Unexpected confidence boosters.
66. Having a creative project actually turn out as good as you imagined it.
67. Crossing things off lists (e.g to do lists).
68. A fork in the road with both options being positive.
69. Learning from your mistakes.
70. Lists getting longer as you go (e.g. this list).
71. This guy. The longer I own a dog as an adult, the more I remember how much I've always loved dogs, even as a little kid. I sure hope it works out for us to keep him throughout our relocation!
72. Had some good times watching fireworks last night over the lake with some friends. Last time I'll get to do that for a while.
73. Downloaded this book on Audible. Looking forward to listening to it during the long drive down to Tejas.
74. Got a great head start on packing this week. I love being able to work at my own pace without feeling rushed- I have to say that's kind of a first for me as I tend to procrastinate.
75. You may have noticed I mentioned something about The Big Move in every one of these. Well, while it is bittersweet to leave this area, I am definitely excited about being an hour away from my family as opposed to 20 hours.
76. The weather has been insanely gorgeous here lately. Cool breezes and blue skies.
77. The facebook app on my phone updated recently, and along with it came the option of having it cycle through my facebook photos on my lock screen. I've loved being randomly surprised with a good memory I haven't thought about in ages because of the pictures!
78. We moved in with Tim's sister this week so we could finish packing up our house, and it's been so fun to watch Titus interact with her dog. His tail is constantly wagging now that he's around more people and another animal instead of sitting in a crate while we're at work. It makes me happy.
79. Warning: TOTAL SAP ALERT. The other day, I was packing some stuff in the upstairs of our house while Tim was working on some stuff downstairs. I ran down for a minute to ask him a question, then was about to go back up when he called me back in, just hugged me, and danced with me a little bit to the song that was playing on his computer. Yep, moments like that are the ones that make you say, "I'm living the moments I used to dream about!"
80. Had some sweet time with friends this week. Those are the times that make my hurt tug at this area a bit- "can't we just stay here?" But I know we're doing the right thing, that true friendships remain across distances, and that we will find community in our new home.
81. Beautiful beach day. Perfect temps in and out of the water, with just enough cloud cover.
82. Unsolicited compliments on no-make up days.
83. Friends who help you move.
84. Friends who come to visit.
85. Friends you can do nothing with.
86. Books haven't always been physically beautiful, but I'm reading one right now that is beautiful.
87. Sometimes you love people so much that their kids feel like YOUR kids.
88. One more week of views like this and temps in the 70's.
89. Squeezing in one last hang-out time with true heart-friends. Staying up too late, making your legs look weird, and chocolate chip pancakes in the morning- it doesn't get much better than that.
90. Silly hair.
91. The new best puppy-friendship of our Titus-boy with our housemates' basset, Peanut. Poor Peanut had her lady-parts removed this week, so Titus is banished from her presence until she heals in a couple of weeks.
92. Our new housemates are growing plethora of herbs. One thing you need to know about me is that I have a mild (okay, maybe not mild) obsession with herbs. I love the way they look, the way they smell, the way they taste. I can't tell you how excited I am to have large amounts of fresh basil and mint at my disposal. Makes me so happyyyyyyyy.
93. Single serve, nearly cleanup-free coffee maker to use. Aaaaahhhh.
94. I have to admit, the Texas sunsets I've seen from my bedroom window have been pretty decent. Haven't seen any quite to the level of Lake Michigan's yet, but they're still great so far.
95. I don't have a picture of this, but I got a call for a job interview tomorrow. So we'll see how that goes.
106. Successful new healthy recipes!
91. The new best puppy-friendship of our Titus-boy with our housemates' basset, Peanut. Poor Peanut had her lady-parts removed this week, so Titus is banished from her presence until she heals in a couple of weeks.
92. Our new housemates are growing plethora of herbs. One thing you need to know about me is that I have a mild (okay, maybe not mild) obsession with herbs. I love the way they look, the way they smell, the way they taste. I can't tell you how excited I am to have large amounts of fresh basil and mint at my disposal. Makes me so happyyyyyyyy.
93. Single serve, nearly cleanup-free coffee maker to use. Aaaaahhhh.
94. I have to admit, the Texas sunsets I've seen from my bedroom window have been pretty decent. Haven't seen any quite to the level of Lake Michigan's yet, but they're still great so far.
95. I don't have a picture of this, but I got a call for a job interview tomorrow. So we'll see how that goes.
96. Quiet, productive moments in the office with Husband.
97. Birthday hibachi dinner with friends.
98. Job offer. Income is income, people.
99. Getting ready to feel so much better due to my second Whole30 starting on Sunday.
100. Real talk with Husband. Not always easy, but it always reminds me of how awesome of a man he is.
101. Finally found the color of cardigan I've been looking for forever (somewhere in the dark orange to rust area). And no, you Texans out there...this isn't a statement about my college football loyalties. I just happen to really like dark orange.
102. Puppy-friends still love each other and play all the time.
103. Rainy, fall-ish day.
104. This doesn't happen to me very often, but these jeans fit like a glove, are totally slimming, and were half off...sooooo they came home with me. Yay for surprise pants!
105. I'm reading "It Starts With Food" and learning more about taking charge of my health...it's kind of exciting.
107. Discovering I'm a morning person, and therefore enjoying the mornings I'm actually awake for.
108. The possibility of going back to school.
109. Unexpected cash!
110. Rainy, almost-fall days.
111. Twice this week I've been able to take my lunch break in a cute downtown park. A very nice escape. The first time, there was even a little baby photo shoot happening.
112. All that rain last week actually brought a cool front with it!
113. Husband is now employed once again. Proud of that guy.
114. After a few frustrating dead ends, I finally made contact with a professor in the grad program I'm interested in- meeting with him today!
115. Unconventional, but brilliant solutions to problems.
116. Rainy day snuggle/show time with Husband and Titus-boy. Doesn't get much better than that.
117. Beautiful food in a new place I've discovered REALLY excites me. Like a kid in a candy store level of excitement.
118. Lots of good Roommate time this week. Living in community like this really is a gift I'm thankful for.
119. Feedback from my boss- "I'm really impressed with the way you've progressed." I'll take it.
120. My sister, her husband, and their offspring stopped by our place spontaneously and we had a great time together. Lots of laughs and good talks. An unexpected treat to end the week!
121. Spontaneous trip to my high school with my friend Amanda for the homecoming game. A good time reflecting on the awkwardness of high school and how much different life is now.
122. Husband encouraging me in times of weak will power. He's the best. Even when I'm grumpy because I just. Want. Ice cream.
123. Got called for an interview for second job.
124. Running farther than I thought I could.
125. Looking forward to a great weekend (date night with Husband tonight, girl time with my mom and sisters on Saturday and Sunday)!
126. Date night (as I mentioned looking forward to last Friday) was great! Our first new restaurant adventure in our new location + the discovery that there's a dollar theater nearby = success.
127. The also previously mentioned mom + sisters weekend was also great! Look how cute they are:
128. It is close, so close to being fall.
129. Husband told me his professor just about called him a model student this week. Considering no one could ever say that about him before, it's a big deal. So proud of that guy, and the best part is, I can tell he's proud of himself, too.
130. Moments of inexplicable peacefulness.
131. Nothing but beautiful sky, green grass, and frolicking puppies this week.
132. 12:34
133. Unexpected talks with good Michigan friends. Glad they haven't completely forgotten about me yet!
134. Celebrating some happy news with the roommates!
135. Packages in the mail. From me, to me.

136. I took a new favorite picture the other day. It was another gorgeous day outside, so I set a chair out back and tossed a rope for Titus for a little bit. After a while I stopped and just sat to enjoy the day, and the doge plopped down under my chair, smiling and panting away. I thought it would be an interesting perspective to snap a photo without looking under my chair, and here's what I came up with. I feel like it captures the moment pretty well.
137. Normally when I have Birchbox reward points, I use them on gift subscriptions for friends, but I've already given them to all of my friends who I think would get the most use/enjoyment out of it. So this time, I got something for myself! Kind of nice to treat myself to something I'd enjoy.
138. The first true cold snap of this season arrived today. Made my lungs burn when I ran this morning, but in a good way.
139. Last night, instead of splitting up into our separate rooms or sitting in front of the tv, Husband, Roommates, and I sat around cuddling with our pups, listening to Mumford and Sons, and just chatting. One of those "This is the good life" moments of peaceful simplicity.
140. God's provision.
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