I'll be honest. This year's birthday was a tough one for me. Most people I've told this to have let me know in one way or another that my feelings are mostly ridiculous. But for some reason, 26 has felt like an end to my chances of being impressive, important, or successful.
Now, whether or not those are things I should really be worried about is another story for another time, but I've been thinking a lot about my in-laws and how amazing they are. The more I find out about them, the more impressed I am.
In their lifetimes, they've been world travelers, foster parents, blue collar workers, linguistics experts, and more. They had a settled life in the U.S. with two elementary/middle school aged kids and another about to graduate from high school when they decided to take a HUGE step and train to be missionaries/linguistics specialists in another country.
Not only is it amazing that they made such a huge move, but they did so at a time when most people are ready to stay put in one place. Every time I think about them, my "it's too late for me to do anything good" fears seem pretty ridiculous, even to me.
What's more, they're getting close to retirement, but they still have many years of active lives and work ahead of them.
Is there anything you're thinking it's too late for you to do or accomplish in your life?
See above photo and then think again.
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