Oct 7, 2013

High Five for...Monday?

Well, I totally missed the boat on Friday. But I still had several things to be thankful for that were enjoyed last week, so I wanted to make sure I celebrated them here, even if it is a bit late. Can't hurt to start off the week that way, right?

1. Rainy day snuggle/show time with Husband and Titus-boy. Doesn't get much better than that.
2. Beautiful food in a new place I've discovered REALLY excites me. Like a kid in a candy store level of excitement.
3. Lots of good Roommate time this week. Living in community like this really is a gift I'm thankful for.
4. Feedback from my boss- "I'm really impressed with the way you've progressed." I'll take it.
5. My sister, her husband, and their offspring stopped by our place spontaneously and we had a great time together. Lots of laughs and good talks. An unexpected treat to end the week!

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