Sep 11, 2013

What I'm Learning

One reward I've been reaping from my Whole30 this time around had been a notable shift in my perspective on food. In reading "It Starts With Food," I was surprised to find that they don't frown upon emotional eating in and of itself. They pointed out that no matter what people try to say, food is more than just fuel. 

It's relational and sometimes emotional, and sometimes that's okay. What's not okay is mindlessness and having no brakes. Sitting in front of the tv, or chowing down in your car, or stopping on an impulse for ice cream because you "need" it isn't healthy. 

But, sitting down by yourself or with friends, really paying attention to and savoring what your sense are experiencing- that sounds pretty good to me. So from now on, as much as possible, I'm going to eat my meals at the table and treat myself to the enjoyment of the gift of food by allowing myself the dedicated time to do so. 

What do you think? When's the last time you truly enjoyed your food? 

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