Sep 4, 2013

So That

Last time I wrote about my past experience with the Whole30 plan. Today, it's all about what my goals are for the month of September (and October, but we'll get to that). 

A couple of months ago, some dear friends of ours shared with Husband and I something revolutionary they had just been learning about at their church's staff retreat. It was the concept of "so that." In a nutshell, when you're setting goals, "so that" > "because." Why? 

Because is in the past. Because is a reaction. Because makes you explain something from a position of passivity and powerlessness.

So that is reaching forward. So that is pressing on. So that is specific, measurable, and active (SM of SMART goals, by the way).  

So why am I doing another Whole30? It's not because I feel out of control of my eating habits, or because I've gained weight, or because I feel lazy, lethargic, and overly-emotional (although all of those things are true). 

I am participating in another Whole30... that I am in the best emotional place I can be while job hunting and determining my next life steps. that I eventually get to a healthy weight and feel good in my clothes. that I determine what specific food types slow me down emotionally and physically, and avoid them. that I reframe the way I think about food and put it back in its place as a God-given gift, not a boredom reliever or a reward for making it through a tough week/day/hour. that I consciously think about what I am eating, and why. Why do I feel like I need a Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit, or a Sonic Strawberry Limeade, or pizza? Are any of these things doing anything good for me? Side note, I believe the answer to this question can sometimes be yes- but that's a discussion for another time. that I free my mind and body of junk enough to tackle regular, disciplined exercise (an element I'm adding this time around with the Couch to 5k program and a commitment to run the Turkey Trot with my brother in November). 

Now, some of these so thats point to other so thats, or have other so that's leading into them, or running alongside them. For example, I could choose to define and write out what my beliefs about food truly are...SO THAT when this thing's over, I'll have an already thought-out answer for Today Me when she tries to talk Yesterday Me out of her good intentions to eat right today

I'll probably add more to this idea as time goes on, especially since Husband and I are in the middle of determining what our so thats are for our lives/marriage. But for now, I'll leave you with a few questions: 

Does thinking about "so that" rather than "because" change anything for you? If so, what are some of your so thats? I'd love to know, so leave me a comment!

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